Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Will Morbid Angel Make it All The Way To "Z"? New Album Title Revealed.

If you are already a Morbid Angel fan then you know the deal with their album titles. Since their first official release in 1989, Morbid Angel have been releasing albums with titles in consecutive order of the alphabet. Altars Of Madness was their first major release. Hell, even their demo from 1986, Abominations Of Desolation started with "A". Since then they have followed the formula, even going so far as using it with their live album, Entangled in Chaos. 'A' through 'H' later and they are ready to release their 8th Studio album.

The new album title has been announced as Illud Divinum Insanus. This is their first record since 2003 and the first with David Vincent back on vocals since 1995's Domination. This is also the very first album that Pete Sandoval has not played on, due to recovering from back surgery. Covering the drums on the new album is Tim Yeung.

Illud Divinum Insanus will be released on Seasons Of Mist records on June 7th.

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