Monday, January 17, 2011

Swallow the Sun Has Alot of News for Us.

I was looking forward to a new album from these guys this year but it may not come around. The guys are beat and are recording a new album but yeah it might have to go on the anticipated list for next year. And that's ok. I want them to continue the string of excellence they've had over the last four album. Though the last album 'New Moon' was actually my least favorite. Anyways, here is the press release chock full of news after the jump. *Disclaimer* The reference to New Moon is going to be used alot in this article. This article is not about the nonsense faggotry that is Twilight. If you land on this page looking for Twilight related articles thanks for the hit but you can get to steppin immediately.Thank You*

So, friends around the planet, it's time to summarize the New Moon tours of 2009 - 2010 and pick up the pieces of our gloomy and broken bones from countless stages, backstages, buses, hotels, bars, planes and police stations, giving huge thanks to all of you for making the New Moon tours the most successful tours so far for us! Thank you for coming to the shows, buying merchandise, believing in us and supporting the music!

Once again we toured more than ever before, and this time we brought the Finnish winter to 24 different countries, playing 146 shows in total after the album release. During the New Moon touring period we completed 3 European tours, 2 North American tours, played many summer festivals and also had the pleasure to play in Israel and Romania for the first time.

In 2010 we also made an endorsement deal with D'Addario strings, Planet Waves cables and Evans drum skins, and we are more than happy to be part of the D´Addario family from now on.

So this year, 2011, we are going to keep things a bit more quiet and start preparing for the next Swallow the Sun album, which will be released at the end of this year or in the beginning of 2012... yeah, if the world doesn't end! Ten new songs are already in the works, but we are not going to rush with recording, album release or new tours because our bodies, hair and especially livers just can't handle it yet, folks!!

We might do a few selected shows and festivals this year if it fits in with our plans, but otherwise this year is going to be a dark road of solitude towards new depths of gloom, beauty and despair – the 6th chapter of Swallow the Sun.

Long, dark winter wishes to everybody.

Take your time and do it right gentlemen. In fact, craft more songs like this.

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